非洲的  中小企业  国际化。 (通过Sylodium,  全球 导入导出 目录)。

International trade, and cooperation are a key driver of small business. 

SMEs involved in international markets are twice as likely to be successful as those that only operate domestically.  Further they can access  to know-how and technology, and they can diversify  their products or services.

With planning and researching properly, local SMEs can successfully expand into new markets, compete with larger companies, and even use their size and nimbleness like one of their advantages.

Although, besides insufficient turnover, and high customs duties, infrastructure inefficiencies (like information,  and lack of contacts) are a normal disadvantage of SMEs compared to larger companies with greater resources.

In Sylodium (international trade directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities like  拉各斯(尼日利亚) - 利伯维尔(加蓬)。利隆圭(马拉维) - 洛美(多哥) - 卢萨卡(赞比亚) - 卡诺(尼日利亚)。达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚) - 达喀尔(塞内加尔)。德班(南非) - 雅温得(喀麦隆)。阿克拉(加纳) - 科纳克里(几内亚)。约翰内斯堡(南非) - 哈拉雷(津巴布韦)。基加利(卢旺达)坎帕拉(乌干达) - 内罗毕(肯尼亚),开普敦(南非),开罗(埃及)。拉巴特(摩洛哥) - 阿尔及尔(阿尔及利亚)....